
Historically, library was a private building dedicated to an individual, monastery or college. Today, the library is electonic and virtual- a building which loosely and casually contains the diverse tentacles of knowledge. Now knowledge is virtually everywhere; it has broken free of the constraint of buildings. If a library is repository of knowledge, this is now just one of its functions. The library's prime function is now making that knowledge available and encouraging exchange and reflection upon it.

The more the library diffuses under the influence of the computer, the more important become the architectural anchors of the building type. Important as the electronic screens of the library have become, there is no denying the social function of the library to a sense of identity, community and nationahood.

NZ suburban libraries have struggled to operate its contemporary function; the idea that a library is more than a repository of books and computers.

This thesis will examine the possibilities for suburban libraries, as social symbol that as a centre of community interaction and as a place to celebrate learning. I will develop the possibilities in architecture which is simultaneously alone and part of a community and investigate the possibilities in space for permanent and temporary collections everyday(as a market places for ideas).

The will be an emphasis on connection between athenaeum and library and a new form of library associated with social interaction.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Few questions came up while I was thinking about this thesis;

-What purpose does silence serve in a library of team-based electronic learning?

-What is the right balance of provision between social space and study space?

-In the electronic library, do we need rooms at all or just a large open marketplace of digital interation?

-Ultimately is open space more important than rooms or, given the library's social or cultural role, is the provision of snack bars and cafes as important as the study collection?

-Is the electronic library a large flexible interactive space or should there be rooms inthe sense of enclosure of subject territory?

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